

Our solutions

With our expertise and experience, SAI deliver solutions for:

Sustainable Forest Management and Good Agriculture Practice

Managing natural resources sustainably, including forest and agriculture, is crucial for sustainable development. SAI team skilled in sustainable forest management including mangrove, water and peatland management and sustainable certification.

Social Engineering

Social inclusion with fair benefit sharing to the communities is a key to ensure the sustainability. SAI team skilled in social safeguards, local engagement, village land use planning and community development for better livelihood.

Forest Rehabilitation and Nature Conservation

Production may lead to the needs for rehabilitation and conservation. SAI team skilled in forest protection, advanced restoration techniques and verified standards for conservation reporting.

Landscape Finance

With experience and networking to financiers, SAI team can supports project developer, investor and buyers in landscapes to develop investable propositions in working with sustainable land use investment funds and enabling investments

Our projects

Providing the best solution for every problem of sustainable forest management, save it, study it and use it strategy.