“Rehabilitation of post harvest forests.”
There are 3 main aspects in ensuring the sustainability of forest management, including production aspects, environmental aspects and social aspects.
The production aspect must ensure the sustainable use of wood, by dividing the forest for production according to its cycle, so that in the second cycle the forest can be reused and so on. To ensure that the forest can produce sustainably, it is necessary to carry out several stages of activities, starting from planning for blocks / compartment of annual cutting, timber cruising, rehabilitation after logging, both natural and artificial, with direct planting or enrichment planting.
Environmental aspects, must ensure that significant negative impacts on logging activities are avoided, such as reducing impact logging technology, planning roads that do not cause erosion, maintaining protected animal habitats so that they are not disturbed, determining high conservation value forest locations and conducting continuous monitoring.
The social aspect must pay attention not to interfere with community activities in earning a living and company activities must provide a positive value or increase in income and improve the health and education of the younger generation.
The photo above depicts an area that was logged about 8 years ago in a mangrove area, when the inspection was carried out it had grown again as a young secondary forest, and if it is well maintained, it can be reused in the next cycle. ( by Fairus Mulia, IPU ).