

Delivering Solutions make a contact Primary mangrove ecosystem, at the river bank. Delivering Solutions make a contact Ekosistem daratan (Upland) sampai pantai (Low land)

Our Competencies

SAI’s teams have sufficient knowledge and experience to assist in the development of solutions for better forest ecosystem management, including environmental services.

Consulting Services

Providing consulting services for sustainable land-based business development such as carbon emission reduction credits, plantations, forestry, and mining

Financial Scheme

Provision of financing scheme facilitation services for sustainable land-based businesses


Providing consultancy services for solving environmental and social issues on a sustainable land basis

Our Services

Forest protection
and nature conservation

Forest protection
and nature conservation

Forest protection
and nature conservation

Forest protection
and nature conservation

Our Projects

“Pursuing sustainable development makes companies
more competitive, more resilient and adaptable in a fast-changing world, and more prepare for the future.”